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With your specific areas of concerns your face requires detailed attention through reinforcement of the part of the face, including the following muscles.


Platysma, Mentalis, Depressor Labii inferioris, Orbicularis Oris, Levator Anguli Oris, Depressor Anguli Oris, which cover the mouth plumping and lines smoothing , the jawline and marionette lines tightening , chin definition, frontal neck tightening (turkey neck), and the interconnected muscles within those areas.


This will change the appearance by lifting, raising, firming, and smoothing the lower part of your face and neck. Overall, giving you a more youthful and radiant appearance to look more fit and healthy.

What now?

We got you covered, this is how...

To achieve this specific transformation, we recommend you partake in our first-ever pre-recorded workshops called CHANGING FACES, where you can finally raise your mirrors (physical self-image and mental self-image), so you can fall in love with yourself, and learn the key ingredient to maintaining consistency with your new daily practices to see the desired results.


It’s time to celebrate you! 


For your specific areas of concern, we highly recommend MODULE - MARBLE SCULPT  focusing on the previously mentioned and highlighted areas. 



Reflected Kiss


with Jasmine,

the external mirror.





Achieve physical beauty through effective and specific facial exercises. 



  • Understanding the science behind the process of visible signs of aging.

  • The most common factors causing wrinkles are loss of skin. elasticity/firmness, and plumpness reduction.

  • Learn the correct Asanas (postures) for targeting specific muscles.

  • Hands-on practical exercises to tackle the area of your concern.

  • Learn the most time-effective exercises for the most visible result.

  • Plus TIPS & TRICKS to a healthy appearance.


Specific exercises include: routines and practices for still and  Dynamic Facial, muscular toning, skin firming, muscles tension release through pressure points, relaxation through stimulation of the Trigeminal and Vagus nerves, facial sculpting and depuffing via lymphatic drainage.

With Laura,

the internal mirror.






Train your mind to stay consistent in your practice

& view yourself with love;)


  • Understand why we think and speak down to ourselves.

  • Exchanging the internal dialogue to raise the value of the self-image.

  • Learning what a habit is and how to exchange destructive habits for constructive ones.

  • How to overcome temporary defeat (start & stop).

  • Overall how to have a predominant positive mindset towards yourself and life in general.

  • Plus more TIPS & TRICKS for a healthy mind.




Overall the workshop will give you tools you can implement immediately into your life, to create the changes that will reflect your new beauty, inside and out. 






Visit our websites:

Jasmine   Laura

Your host will be Jasmine Tella - Face Fitness Specialist (featured in The Times Uk) and Celebrities Personal Trainer;


Co-hosted by Laura Gindac founder of Omni-Rise Training.

The transformation that you will go through, and experience within the workshop, is designed uniquely to support you in your Beauty and

self- love Journey.



Why is Face Fitness a necessity?

Movement of the muscles is essential! 

Just like we workout the muscles in our body to firm, sculpt, tone, and look fit, the same way we must train the most visible part of our body: our faces.



Why is internal self-image a necessity?

Our perception is determined by how we internally see ourselves, that is the reflection that we are seeing and most times the reflection is clouded by negativity.



Why is learning a new habit a necessity?

If we don't implement something new, we continue to run off the current mindset which for most involves: procrastination, laziness, demotivation, and simply not knowing where to start.  To see a chance, we need to reinforce with repetition new ways of thinking until it becomes a part of us.  

Last Details ...

& Access

Here are a few Transformations through  Jasmine's

Face Fitness

& the Face Yoga Method

Price & Access

For the approx. 90-minute  intimateWorkshop, where you will learn HOW to tackle the area you would most benefit from, 


a one off payment of  GBP £ 19.95 tax incl.

(USD $ 24.- approx)

and the skills will be yours for life! 

12 Months Access. 





Raise Your Mirrors

& Fall in Love With Yourself! 

Laura & Jasmine mirrors.PNG


Beautiful Model

Answers to the most frequently asked questions

Changing faces - The Two Mirrors Method

© Jasmine Tella 2023. All Rights Reserved

JFY & Beauty LTD

71-75 Shelton Street

 Covent Garden 

London - WC2H 9JQ


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